Peter Thorpe is an internet expert.
Here is a very interesting and potentially profitable piece he wrote on making sure that your website is the best it can be - when it comes to being found.
Have you ever used Google's Wonder Wheel? Chances are you've never even heard of it - let alone used it. It's a well kept secret! Well, i f this is the case, you are missing out on a fantastic free tool that can not only help you improve your search results - it can actually help you get more traffic to your website!
I'll tell you how in a minute but first - let me tell you where to find it and how it works.
Where to find it
Actually it's right there under your nose, whenever you do a search on Google. Been there since May 2009! Down in the left hand column, after you do a search for anything on Google, you will see simple little text link Wonder Wheel. (see diagram below) Note: You may need to click on the heading More Search Tools.
Do a search on Google for a popular search term and after you get the results, click on the Wonder Wheel link. This creates a sun shaped graphic, featuring keywords, all related to your original search. Your original search term is in the centre of the sun and the ‘beams’ show other popular related keywords to this search. To the right of the graphic you will see the normal results listed. (see diagram below)
Click on any of the related search terms (on the beams) and this will create another 'sun' and drill down into these keywords for more related keywords and so on. (see diagram below)
The Wonder Wheel might look like a pretty cool toy to play with but it's actually a powerful tool to help you find relevant and related keywords for your website.
The most important thing on your website (to Google) is the text on the pages. Having the right keywords in the text of your pages, headlines, links, articles, etc., is vital to getting a good position in Google’s search results. Sounds obvious enough however, it's often very difficult to sort out which keywords are the most important and relevant to your potential audience. And once you work out what these keywords and phrases are, its even more difficult to get these in some sort of order of importance.
This is where the Wonder Wheel can help. It basically does this for you. And because it's a Google tool, it “thinks” like Google, so it's fairly easy to work out how people generally search for related words and topics.
It's also a fantastic tool to help you find Keywords and niche markets for your Google Adwords campaign.
This is not a replacement in any way for keyword research and there are several other tools you can use for this. However, it can be very useful to find new areas of interest to write about on your website, in articles, blogs, Adwords campaigns, etc.
So if you haven't used it before - give the Wonder Wheel a try. You’ll soon get the idea of how it works. It's just another great free tool form the wonderful folks at Google!
And by the way, if you need assistance to make your website work better or you need help with your search engine marketing or a Google Adwords campaign – give us a call. We’d be happy to help.