While United has been dropping CX standards American Airlines has been raising them. This article looks at how.
The lesson here is not new. It's not complicated and it's easy to do - providing you are not a control freak.
The lesson is this. Give the power to fix or at least address the customer's to the people who are in on the frontline. It can reduce or stop escalation, create on the spot outcomes (that we all love) and give the staff the knowledge that they can make a real contribution, using their own good judgment.
A special note for the control freaks who may not trust that anyone else can do it right, other than them.
Consider the option. How do you feel when you ask for help with a problem, want to get an issue addressed or feel there is something that needs to be done to help you and the service person gives you that blank look and says, with often sincere regret "I will have to (choose one) talk to my manager, send an email to head office, see a supervisor, put you in touch with the customer service manager, or my all time favourite, 'There's nothing I can do 'it's out of my hands".
If you feel frustrated hearing those responses, so do your customers. Did American solve all their problems? No, but I'm willing to bet their passengers felt way better than at United.
Let me know what you think.
American Airlines hands out $10.3 million in customer-service bonuses
American Airlines Inc., one of seven carriers at Piedmont Triad International, said Thursday the company will be paying out a $10.3 million customer service award to 70,000 front line employees for meeting fourth-quarter goals.
The payout is part of the airline's Customer Experience Rewards program, which gives employees up to $100 per month for exceeding customer satisfaction goals.
In 2009, the company paid out $45 million through its annual incentive plans.
The goals are based on customer service standards -- measured by on-time departures and customer satisfaction at the airport and on board the aircraft.