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Friday, July 01, 2005

Can't get no respect! 65% fail the test.

The late comedian Rodney Dangerfield had as his catch phrase "I can't get no respect".

The survey says..

According to the latest survey of the top 100 US firms when it comes to online experience neither can they. The Customer Respect Group - yes that really is their name - condcuted their 4th annual Customer Respect Study and found when it comes to respect only 6% rate Excellent; 29% Get a Good Rating and, in these days of privacy paranoia 30% Continue to Share User Information Without Permission.

An the winners are... HP, Medco Health Solutions, Sprint, Intel, American Express and UPS.

How did they arrive at this conclusion? Here is an excerpt from the article.

"By interviewing a representative sample of the adult Internet population, and by analyzing and categorizing more than 2000 corporate Web sites across a spectrum of industries in detail over the past four years, The Customer Respect Group has determined the attributes that combine to create the entire online customer experience. These attributes have been grouped together and measured as indicators of Simplicity (ease of navigation), Responsiveness (quick and helpful responses to inquiries), Privacy (respect for the privacy of the customer), Attitude (customer-focus of site), Transparency (open and honest policies) and Principles (values and respects customer data). Combined they measure a company's overall Customer Respect."

So there you have it. The attributes for your own online experience evaluation. I like this list because it goes to the heart of Experience Management. Anyhing is managable if it's measurable.


If you need help to evaluate your online experience give me a call. At 'The Experience Managers' we have the expetise you halp you evaluate your situation and more importantly help you create an excellent online experience for your clients.

You can read the whole article by clicking on this link.

Good Experience Engineering
